With Soway hats and caps,
opt for 3 times more sun protection!
Hats protect from the sun but they do not all protect in the same way.
Like sun creams that do not all have the same protection, a hat Soway protects you 3 times more than a conventional hat.

Soway® hats offer a very high sun protection, UPF 50+ (the cotton has an average UPF of 15).
Certified with the Australian Sunscreen Standard (the most severe).

When the infrared rays of the sun touch our skin, we feel heat.
Soway hats repel infra-red, so they do not heat up in the sun (up to 10 degrees less under a Soway hat).

With a weight of less than 100 g, Soway hats are the only featherweight hats that offer both a very high sun protection and stay cool under the sun.
In addition, they roll in their pocket (provided to the purchase)!
Partner of the Dermatology Congresses since 2014, Soway is recommended, thanks to its unique patent, by more and more dermatologists to better protect their hypersensitive patients in the sun (melanomas, carcinomas, etc.).
Your Dermatologist surely advises you
to protect you from the sun!
UV protection
Unparalleled comfort, controlled heat!
Wearing a Soway anti-UV hat will effectively protect you from UV rays, while guaranteeing you unparalleled comfort. Light, airy and anti-infrared, your hat will not heat in the sun and you will keep it longer on the head.
We know that hats protect from the sun but they do not all protect in the same way, like sun creams that do not all have the same protection. A Soway hat protects you 3 times more than a classic hat.
A limited sun capital
The need to protect oneself
If the sun capital is not renewable, it can maintain and preserve itself by the solar protection. It is exhausted faster at certain periods of our life, especially during childhood.
Protect children
Preserving sun capital from childhood by protecting the most commonly exposed parts such as the face and neck is essential.
The sun capital can not only be maintained, but it can also be made more efficient in case of sunscreen adapted from childhood. Numerous studies have shown that skin capitalizes the sunscreen received during childhood.
Regular application of appropriate protection during childhood and adolescence reduces the risk of skin cancer in adults by almost 60%.
Of course, wearing a hat does not dispense sunscreen, sunglasses and T-shirt!

The skin is very clear, white, the hair is blond or red. Freckles appear quickly after sun exposure. The skin burns easily and never tans.

The skin is very clear and can become tanned, the hair is blond or light brown, freckles appear in the sun. Skin that burns easily and barely bronze.

The skin is moderately clear, the hair is blond or brown, and there is little or no freckle. The skin gradually tans.

The skin is matte, the hair is brown or brown, and there is no freckle. The skin hardly burns, bronze always well.

The skin is dark brown, naturally pigmented, hair and eyes are black. The skin rarely burns, and bronze a lot.

The skin is black, the hair and eyes are black. The skin does not burn.
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